Thursday, October 23, 2008

Have you seen these driving around your area?

We are beginning to see them in our area.  Over the last two weeks I have seen at least five out and about.

These pictures were taken at a local dealership and are not counted as any of the five I have seen around town.  

The car only seats two people.  I believe it is sometimes called a Smart ForTwo.

I have been rear-ended three times {none my fault}, twice by pickups and once by a semi. If you have ever been in the back seat of a car that is rear-ended by a semi and you get covered in glass as it shatters, you want a lot of space between you and the back bumper. So for me, this would not be a car I would choose. However, I thought some of you might be interested in seeing the car.  

I will be curious to know if you have seen any in your area.  Send me a comment if you have and let me know where you live.

If you live in another country and have a similarly sized car, leave a comment with a description of your "small" car.

I hope you have had fun viewing these pictures.  If I hear from other countries with interesting fuel-economy cars, I will locate some photographs for a future post.

This car actually looks even smaller in "real life" next to all the full size vehicles out on the road. 

I promise fiber content very soon!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Enjoying the Day
An Afternoon in the lives of Sasha, Samson & Sweetie

The dogs are definitely enjoying the cooler mornings and warm afternoons. Here's a compilation of pictures DH {Dear Hubby} took recently. I thought the family might enjoy watching them. Be sure and turn on your sound so you can enjoy the Mannheim Steamroller songs in the video.